Something now worth capturing,
not worth existing.
With more than 20 years of professional experience in videography, ZULUPIXELS is not a newbie but a well-known company. From filming, to video clips and live streaming, we own the tools and the knowledge to create your most desired result. Video production is definitely one of our core services and something we handle with extreme professionalism and expertise.

What was then,
has nothing to do with today.
From the analog era, to the latest digital technics and trends of our field, ZP is constantly upgrading its services and is always on the epitome of the visual communication. Technology is moving ahead with tremendous speed, so you need reliable professionals to keep your tools for business, up to date.
Your business is not something you can afford to “play” with. Choose professional partners.
Beside the technical knowledge that we possess with extreme professionalism, our company is also equipped with all the state of the art tools necessary, from filming cameras, to drones and from sound recording studios, to high end composition machinery. Least but not last is our capability to produce high quality of solid live streaming, for any and all kind of social networks, such as Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Your social network accounts will be like never before and in no time, they will start to attract more clients than you can even handle.