video | web | graphics | advertisement | events
Totality and effectiveness
Zulu team is a mixture of an advertising agency with all the knowledge of production, filming, web and any other tool needed for total brand promotion. Either it is a BTL or a B2B project ZULUPIXELS will deliver a targeted campaign, effectively, quickly and not with a time-consuming process that usually holds big companies in the “lost in translation” game…
The most important word in filming is “why”
Jean Reno
Something now worth capturing,
not worth excisting
With more than 20 years of experience in videography, ZULUPIXELS is not a newbie. From the analog era to the latest technique and trends ZP is always on the epitome of visual communication. Aside from technical knowledge, our company is equipped with all the tools necessary, from filming cameras to drones and from sound recording studios to high-end composition machinery. Finally, we have the ability to broadcast solid live streaming for all the social networks such as Facebook, Youtube or Instagram.
The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet.
The future is still so much bigger than the past.
Tim Berners-Lee
In the matter of layout, forget art and use horse-sense.
The printer-designer’swhole duty is to make a clear
presentation of the message…
This calls for an exercise of common
sense and faculty of analysis rather than for art.
– William Addison Dwiggins –
Graphics can be a nightmare.
Well Freddy Krueger is a friend…
Brand ID, Logos, Stationary or any other visual task is ZULUPIXELS challenge to get the best out of it. We love brainstormings, we love to create briefs and guide our clients to the most effective and targeted path for the best result. There is always a reason for any action we take. We don’t just “do”. We believe in selectiveness and quality will always be above quantity. Consistency in branding, simplicity in designing and analysis in research is our characteristic.
Creativity is
Inteligence having fun…
– Albert Einstein –
Stop clipping your ideas!
Give us a call and we’ll prepare your clip for you.
Squashing your brain to come up with an idea for a video clip or a short film, in order to advertise your business or a product can be very difficult.
ZP, with its long and professional experience in the field of video production, can deliver both the desired idea and effect for your campaign. And people will remember you, from our work.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit…
– Will Durant –
An exceptional experience…
We can organize your event from scratch. We can arrange the seating order of the various speakers that will attend, along with the in-between times during the speeches, correct the lighting of your hall and many more.
ZP can undertake any task that your event might require. Over the years we have acquired a variety of machinery and tools for every task we need to accomplish in an event. Our team of experts will prepare everything based on your preferences and you will just sit back and take all the credit. After all, it is YOUR night.